service-ref_4_0.dtd 2.9 KB

  1. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
  2. <!--
  3. $Id: jboss-client_5_0.dtd 58121 2006-11-04 19:57:58Z $
  4. <!DOCTYPE jboss-web PUBLIC
  5. "-//JBoss//DTD Web Service Reference 4.0//EN"
  6. "">
  7. -->
  8. <!--
  9. The service-ref element provides jboss specific deployment values to
  10. the web service reference in application-client.xml.
  11. Example:
  12. <service-ref>
  13. <service-ref-name>OrganizationService</service-ref-name>
  14. <wsdl-override>file:/wsdlRepository/organization-service.wsdl</wsdl-override>
  15. </service-ref>
  16. <service-ref>
  17. <service-ref-name>OrganizationService</service-ref-name>
  18. <config-name>Secure Client Config</config-name>
  19. <config-file>META-INF/jbossws-client-config.xml</config-file>
  20. <port-component-ref>
  21. <service-endpoint-interface></service-endpoint-interface>
  22. <call-property>
  23. <prop-name>X</prop-name>
  24. <prop-value>Y</prop-value>
  25. </call-property>
  26. </port-component-ref>
  27. </service-ref>
  28. -->
  29. <!ELEMENT service-ref (service-ref-name, config-name?, config-file?, port-component-ref*, wsdl-override?, call-property*)>
  30. <!-- The service-ref-name element gives the ENC relative name used
  31. in the ejb-jar.xml service-ref-name element.
  32. Used in: service-ref
  33. -->
  34. <!ELEMENT service-ref-name (#PCDATA)>
  35. <!-- The optional config-name element gives the client configuration name that must be present in
  36. the configuration given by element config-file.
  37. The default is: Standard Client
  38. Used in: service-ref
  39. -->
  40. <!ELEMENT config-name (#PCDATA)>
  41. <!-- The optional config-file element gives the to a URL or resource name for the client configuration.
  42. The default is: META-INF/standard-jbossws-client-config.xml
  43. Used in: service-ref
  44. -->
  45. <!ELEMENT config-file (#PCDATA)>
  46. <!-- The port-component-ref element provides additional information about
  47. the standard j2ee service-reference/port-component-ref. Currently this includes
  48. properties that should be associated with the call/stub for the port.
  49. Used in: service-ref
  50. -->
  51. <!ELEMENT port-component-ref (service-endpoint-interface?, call-property*)>
  52. <!-- The wsdl-override element the actual wsdl docuement the web service client
  53. uses to connect to the remote service. It overrides the value of wsdl-file in ejb-jar.xml.
  54. Used in: service-ref
  55. -->
  56. <!ELEMENT wsdl-override (#PCDATA)>
  57. <!-- Fully qualified name of service endpoint interface
  58. -->
  59. <!ELEMENT service-endpoint-interface ( #PCDATA )>
  60. <!-- Arbitrary jaxrpc property values that should be set on a Call object
  61. before it's returned to the web service client. The valid properties can be any
  62. properties supported by the jaxrpc Call implementation.
  63. -->
  64. <!ELEMENT call-property ( prop-name, prop-value )>
  65. <!-- The string value of a property name
  66. -->
  67. <!ELEMENT prop-name (#PCDATA)>
  68. <!-- The string value of a property value
  69. -->
  70. <!ELEMENT prop-value (#PCDATA)>