jboss-app_3_2.dtd 2.6 KB

  1. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
  2. <!-- The JBoss 3.2.x specific elements for ears.
  3. $Id: jboss-app_3_2.dtd 22964 2004-08-14 00:35:40Z starksm $
  4. DOCTYPE jboss-app
  5. PUBLIC "-//JBoss//DTD J2EE Application 1.3V2//EN"
  6. "http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/dtd/jboss-app_3_2.dtd"
  7. -->
  8. <!-- The jboss-app element is the root element.
  9. -->
  10. <!ELEMENT jboss-app (loader-repository?, jmx-name?, module*)>
  11. <!-- The loader-repository specifies the name of the UnifiedLoaderRepository
  12. MBean to use for the ear to provide ear level scoping of classes deployed
  13. in the ear. It is a unique JMX ObjectName string. It may also specify
  14. an arbitrary configuration by including a loader-repository-config element.
  15. Examples:
  16. <loader-repository>jboss.test:loader=cts-cmp2v1-sar.ear</loader-repository>
  17. <loader-repository loaderRepositoryClass='dot.com.LoaderRepository'>
  18. dot.com:loader=unique-archive-name
  19. <loader-repository-config configParserClass='dot.com.LoaderParser'>
  20. java2ParentDelegaton=true
  21. </loader-repository-config>
  22. </loader-repository>
  23. -->
  24. <!ELEMENT loader-repository (#PCDATA | loader-repository-config)*>
  25. <!-- The loaderRepositoryClass attribute gives the classname of the
  26. org.jboss.mx.loading.LoaderRepository implementation.
  27. -->
  28. <!ATTLIST loader-repository loaderRepositoryClass CDATA #IMPLIED>
  29. <!-- The loader-repository-config element specifies any arbitrary configuration
  30. fragment for use in configuring the loader-repository instance. The actual
  31. content of this element is specific to the loaderRepositoryClass and the
  32. code parsing the element.
  33. -->
  34. <!ELEMENT loader-repository-config (#PCDATA)>
  35. <!-- The configParserClass attribute gives the classname of the
  36. org.jboss.mx.loading.LoaderRepositoryFactory.LoaderRepositoryConfigParser
  37. implementation to use to parse the loader-repository-config content.
  38. -->
  39. <!ATTLIST loader-repository-config configParserClass CDATA #IMPLIED>
  40. <!-- The jmx-name element allows one to specify the JMX ObjectName to use
  41. for the MBean associated with the ejb-jar module. This must be a unique
  42. name and valid JMX ObjectName string.
  43. Used in: jboss-app
  44. -->
  45. <!ELEMENT jmx-name (#PCDATA)>
  46. <!-- The module element is used to specify a jboss specific module archive.
  47. -->
  48. <!ELEMENT module (service | har)>
  49. <!-- The service element specifies a service archive (SAR) to deploy.
  50. Example:
  51. <module>
  52. <service>external.sar</service>
  53. </module>
  54. -->
  55. <!ELEMENT service (#PCDATA)>
  56. <!-- The har element specifies a Hibernate archive (HAR) to deploy.
  57. Example:
  58. <module>
  59. <har>myapp.har</har>
  60. </module>
  61. -->
  62. <!ELEMENT har (#PCDATA)>