javaee_5.xsd 64 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <xsd:schema
  3. targetNamespace=""
  4. xmlns:javaee=""
  5. xmlns:xsd=""
  6. elementFormDefault="qualified"
  7. attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
  8. version="5">
  9. <xsd:annotation>
  10. <xsd:documentation>
  11. @(#)javaee_5.xsds 1.65 06/02/17
  12. </xsd:documentation>
  13. </xsd:annotation>
  14. <xsd:annotation>
  15. <xsd:documentation>
  16. Copyright 2003-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  17. 4150 Network Circle
  18. Santa Clara, California 95054
  19. U.S.A
  20. All rights reserved.
  21. Sun Microsystems, Inc. has intellectual property rights
  22. relating to technology described in this document. In
  23. particular, and without limitation, these intellectual
  24. property rights may include one or more of the U.S. patents
  25. listed at and one or more
  26. additional patents or pending patent applications in the
  27. U.S. and other countries.
  28. This document and the technology which it describes are
  29. distributed under licenses restricting their use, copying,
  30. distribution, and decompilation. No part of this document
  31. may be reproduced in any form by any means without prior
  32. written authorization of Sun and its licensors, if any.
  33. Third-party software, including font technology, is
  34. copyrighted and licensed from Sun suppliers.
  35. Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, Solaris, Java, J2EE,
  36. JavaServer Pages, Enterprise JavaBeans and the Java Coffee
  37. Cup logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun
  38. Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
  39. Federal Acquisitions: Commercial Software - Government Users
  40. Subject to Standard License Terms and Conditions.
  41. </xsd:documentation>
  42. </xsd:annotation>
  43. <xsd:annotation>
  44. <xsd:documentation>
  45. The following definitions that appear in the common
  46. shareable schema(s) of J2EE deployment descriptors should be
  47. interpreted with respect to the context they are included:
  48. Deployment Component may indicate one of the following:
  49. j2ee application;
  50. application client;
  51. web application;
  52. enterprise bean;
  53. resource adapter;
  54. Deployment File may indicate one of the following:
  55. ear file;
  56. war file;
  57. jar file;
  58. rar file;
  59. </xsd:documentation>
  60. </xsd:annotation>
  61. <xsd:import namespace=""
  62. schemaLocation=""/>
  63. <xsd:include schemaLocation="javaee_web_services_client_1_2.xsd"/>
  64. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  65. <xsd:group name="descriptionGroup">
  66. <xsd:annotation>
  67. <xsd:documentation>
  68. This group keeps the usage of the contained description related
  69. elements consistent across Java EE deployment descriptors.
  70. All elements may occur multiple times with different languages,
  71. to support localization of the content.
  72. </xsd:documentation>
  73. </xsd:annotation>
  74. <xsd:sequence>
  75. <xsd:element name="description"
  76. type="javaee:descriptionType"
  77. minOccurs="0"
  78. maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  79. <xsd:element name="display-name"
  80. type="javaee:display-nameType"
  81. minOccurs="0"
  82. maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  83. <xsd:element name="icon"
  84. type="javaee:iconType"
  85. minOccurs="0"
  86. maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  87. </xsd:sequence>
  88. </xsd:group>
  89. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  90. <xsd:complexType name="descriptionType">
  91. <xsd:annotation>
  92. <xsd:documentation>
  93. The description type is used by a description element to
  94. provide text describing the parent element. The elements
  95. that use this type should include any information that the
  96. Deployment Component's Deployment File file producer wants
  97. to provide to the consumer of the Deployment Component's
  98. Deployment File (i.e., to the Deployer). Typically, the
  99. tools used by such a Deployment File consumer will display
  100. the description when processing the parent element that
  101. contains the description.
  102. The lang attribute defines the language that the
  103. description is provided in. The default value is "en" (English).
  104. </xsd:documentation>
  105. </xsd:annotation>
  106. <xsd:simpleContent>
  107. <xsd:extension base="javaee:xsdStringType">
  108. <xsd:attribute ref="xml:lang"/>
  109. </xsd:extension>
  110. </xsd:simpleContent>
  111. </xsd:complexType>
  112. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  113. <xsd:simpleType name="dewey-versionType">
  114. <xsd:annotation>
  115. <xsd:documentation>
  116. This type defines a dewey decimal that is used
  117. to describe versions of documents.
  118. </xsd:documentation>
  119. </xsd:annotation>
  120. <xsd:restriction base="xsd:token">
  121. <xsd:pattern value="\.?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*"/>
  122. </xsd:restriction>
  123. </xsd:simpleType>
  124. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  125. <xsd:complexType name="display-nameType">
  126. <xsd:annotation>
  127. <xsd:documentation>
  128. <![CDATA[
  129. The display-name type contains a short name that is intended
  130. to be displayed by tools. It is used by display-name
  131. elements. The display name need not be unique.
  132. Example:
  133. ...
  134. <display-name xml:lang="en">
  135. Employee Self Service
  136. </display-name>
  137. The value of the xml:lang attribute is "en" (English) by default.
  138. ]]>
  139. </xsd:documentation>
  140. </xsd:annotation>
  141. <xsd:simpleContent>
  142. <xsd:extension base="javaee:string">
  143. <xsd:attribute ref="xml:lang"/>
  144. </xsd:extension>
  145. </xsd:simpleContent>
  146. </xsd:complexType>
  147. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  148. <xsd:complexType name="ejb-linkType">
  149. <xsd:annotation>
  150. <xsd:documentation>
  151. <![CDATA[
  152. The ejb-linkType is used by ejb-link
  153. elements in the ejb-ref or ejb-local-ref elements to specify
  154. that an EJB reference is linked to enterprise bean.
  155. The value of the ejb-link element must be the ejb-name of an
  156. enterprise bean in the same ejb-jar file or in another ejb-jar
  157. file in the same Java EE application unit.
  158. Alternatively, the name in the ejb-link element may be
  159. composed of a path name specifying the ejb-jar containing the
  160. referenced enterprise bean with the ejb-name of the target
  161. bean appended and separated from the path name by "#". The
  162. path name is relative to the Deployment File containing
  163. Deployment Component that is referencing the enterprise
  164. bean. This allows multiple enterprise beans with the same
  165. ejb-name to be uniquely identified.
  166. Examples:
  167. <ejb-link>EmployeeRecord</ejb-link>
  168. <ejb-link>../products/product.jar#ProductEJB</ejb-link>
  169. ]]>
  170. </xsd:documentation>
  171. </xsd:annotation>
  172. <xsd:simpleContent>
  173. <xsd:restriction base="javaee:string"/>
  174. </xsd:simpleContent>
  175. </xsd:complexType>
  176. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  177. <xsd:complexType name="ejb-local-refType">
  178. <xsd:annotation>
  179. <xsd:documentation>
  180. The ejb-local-refType is used by ejb-local-ref elements for
  181. the declaration of a reference to an enterprise bean's local
  182. home or to the local business interface of a 3.0 bean.
  183. The declaration consists of:
  184. - an optional description
  185. - the EJB reference name used in the code of the Deployment
  186. Component that's referencing the enterprise bean.
  187. - the optional expected type of the referenced enterprise bean
  188. - the optional expected local interface of the referenced
  189. enterprise bean or the local business interface of the
  190. referenced enterprise bean.
  191. - the optional expected local home interface of the referenced
  192. enterprise bean. Not applicable if this ejb-local-ref refers
  193. to the local business interface of a 3.0 bean.
  194. - optional ejb-link information, used to specify the
  195. referenced enterprise bean
  196. - optional elements to define injection of the named enterprise
  197. bean into a component field or property.
  198. </xsd:documentation>
  199. </xsd:annotation>
  200. <xsd:sequence>
  201. <xsd:element name="description"
  202. type="javaee:descriptionType"
  203. minOccurs="0"
  204. maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  205. <xsd:element name="ejb-ref-name"
  206. type="javaee:ejb-ref-nameType"/>
  207. <xsd:element name="ejb-ref-type"
  208. type="javaee:ejb-ref-typeType"
  209. minOccurs="0"/>
  210. <xsd:element name="local-home"
  211. type="javaee:local-homeType"
  212. minOccurs="0"/>
  213. <xsd:element name="local"
  214. type="javaee:localType"
  215. minOccurs="0"/>
  216. <xsd:element name="ejb-link"
  217. type="javaee:ejb-linkType"
  218. minOccurs="0"/>
  219. <xsd:group ref="javaee:resourceGroup"/>
  220. </xsd:sequence>
  221. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  222. </xsd:complexType>
  223. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  224. <xsd:complexType name="ejb-ref-nameType">
  225. <xsd:annotation>
  226. <xsd:documentation>
  227. <![CDATA[
  228. The ejb-ref-name element contains the name of an EJB
  229. reference. The EJB reference is an entry in the
  230. Deployment Component's environment and is relative to the
  231. java:comp/env context. The name must be unique within the
  232. Deployment Component.
  233. It is recommended that name is prefixed with "ejb/".
  234. Example:
  235. <ejb-ref-name>ejb/Payroll</ejb-ref-name>
  236. ]]>
  237. </xsd:documentation>
  238. </xsd:annotation>
  239. <xsd:simpleContent>
  240. <xsd:restriction base="javaee:jndi-nameType"/>
  241. </xsd:simpleContent>
  242. </xsd:complexType>
  243. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  244. <xsd:complexType name="ejb-ref-typeType">
  245. <xsd:annotation>
  246. <xsd:documentation>
  247. The ejb-ref-typeType contains the expected type of the
  248. referenced enterprise bean.
  249. The ejb-ref-type designates a value
  250. that must be one of the following:
  251. Entity
  252. Session
  253. </xsd:documentation>
  254. </xsd:annotation>
  255. <xsd:simpleContent>
  256. <xsd:restriction base="javaee:string">
  257. <xsd:enumeration value="Entity"/>
  258. <xsd:enumeration value="Session"/>
  259. </xsd:restriction>
  260. </xsd:simpleContent>
  261. </xsd:complexType>
  262. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  263. <xsd:complexType name="ejb-refType">
  264. <xsd:annotation>
  265. <xsd:documentation>
  266. The ejb-refType is used by ejb-ref elements for the
  267. declaration of a reference to an enterprise bean's home or
  268. to the remote business interface of a 3.0 bean.
  269. The declaration consists of:
  270. - an optional description
  271. - the EJB reference name used in the code of
  272. the Deployment Component that's referencing the enterprise
  273. bean.
  274. - the optional expected type of the referenced enterprise bean
  275. - the optional remote interface of the referenced enterprise bean
  276. or the remote business interface of the referenced enterprise
  277. bean
  278. - the optional expected home interface of the referenced
  279. enterprise bean. Not applicable if this ejb-ref
  280. refers to the remote business interface of a 3.0 bean.
  281. - optional ejb-link information, used to specify the
  282. referenced enterprise bean
  283. - optional elements to define injection of the named enterprise
  284. bean into a component field or property
  285. </xsd:documentation>
  286. </xsd:annotation>
  287. <xsd:sequence>
  288. <xsd:element name="description"
  289. type="javaee:descriptionType"
  290. minOccurs="0"
  291. maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  292. <xsd:element name="ejb-ref-name"
  293. type="javaee:ejb-ref-nameType"/>
  294. <xsd:element name="ejb-ref-type"
  295. type="javaee:ejb-ref-typeType"
  296. minOccurs="0"/>
  297. <xsd:element name="home"
  298. type="javaee:homeType"
  299. minOccurs="0"/>
  300. <xsd:element name="remote"
  301. type="javaee:remoteType"
  302. minOccurs="0"/>
  303. <xsd:element name="ejb-link"
  304. type="javaee:ejb-linkType"
  305. minOccurs="0"/>
  306. <xsd:group ref="javaee:resourceGroup"/>
  307. </xsd:sequence>
  308. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  309. </xsd:complexType>
  310. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  311. <xsd:complexType name="emptyType">
  312. <xsd:annotation>
  313. <xsd:documentation>
  314. This type is used to designate an empty
  315. element when used.
  316. </xsd:documentation>
  317. </xsd:annotation>
  318. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  319. </xsd:complexType>
  320. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  321. <xsd:complexType name="env-entry-type-valuesType">
  322. <xsd:annotation>
  323. <xsd:documentation>
  324. <![CDATA[
  325. This type contains the fully-qualified Java type of the
  326. environment entry value that is expected by the
  327. application's code.
  328. The following are the legal values of env-entry-type-valuesType:
  329. java.lang.Boolean
  330. java.lang.Byte
  331. java.lang.Character
  332. java.lang.String
  333. java.lang.Short
  334. java.lang.Integer
  335. java.lang.Long
  336. java.lang.Float
  337. java.lang.Double
  338. Example:
  339. <env-entry-type>java.lang.Boolean</env-entry-type>
  340. ]]>
  341. </xsd:documentation>
  342. </xsd:annotation>
  343. <xsd:simpleContent>
  344. <xsd:restriction base="javaee:string">
  345. <xsd:enumeration value="java.lang.Boolean"/>
  346. <xsd:enumeration value="java.lang.Byte"/>
  347. <xsd:enumeration value="java.lang.Character"/>
  348. <xsd:enumeration value="java.lang.String"/>
  349. <xsd:enumeration value="java.lang.Short"/>
  350. <xsd:enumeration value="java.lang.Integer"/>
  351. <xsd:enumeration value="java.lang.Long"/>
  352. <xsd:enumeration value="java.lang.Float"/>
  353. <xsd:enumeration value="java.lang.Double"/>
  354. </xsd:restriction>
  355. </xsd:simpleContent>
  356. </xsd:complexType>
  357. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  358. <xsd:complexType name="env-entryType">
  359. <xsd:annotation>
  360. <xsd:documentation>
  361. The env-entryType is used to declare an application's
  362. environment entry. The declaration consists of an optional
  363. description, the name of the environment entry, a type
  364. (optional if the value is injected, otherwise required), and
  365. an optional value.
  366. It also includes optional elements to define injection of
  367. the named resource into fields or JavaBeans properties.
  368. If a value is not specified and injection is requested,
  369. no injection will occur and no entry of the specified name
  370. will be created. This allows an initial value to be
  371. specified in the source code without being incorrectly
  372. changed when no override has been specified.
  373. If a value is not specified and no injection is requested,
  374. a value must be supplied during deployment.
  375. This type is used by env-entry elements.
  376. </xsd:documentation>
  377. </xsd:annotation>
  378. <xsd:sequence>
  379. <xsd:element name="description"
  380. type="javaee:descriptionType"
  381. minOccurs="0"
  382. maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  383. <xsd:element name="env-entry-name"
  384. type="javaee:jndi-nameType">
  385. <xsd:annotation>
  386. <xsd:documentation>
  387. <![CDATA[
  388. The env-entry-name element contains the name of a
  389. Deployment Component's environment entry. The name
  390. is a JNDI name relative to the java:comp/env
  391. context. The name must be unique within a
  392. Deployment Component. The uniqueness
  393. constraints must be defined within the declared
  394. context.
  395. Example:
  396. <env-entry-name>minAmount</env-entry-name>
  397. ]]>
  398. </xsd:documentation>
  399. </xsd:annotation>
  400. </xsd:element>
  401. <xsd:element name="env-entry-type"
  402. type="javaee:env-entry-type-valuesType"
  403. minOccurs="0">
  404. <xsd:annotation>
  405. <xsd:documentation>
  406. <![CDATA[
  407. The env-entry-type element contains the Java language
  408. type of the environment entry. If an injection target
  409. is specified for the environment entry, the type may
  410. be omitted, or must match the type of the injection
  411. target. If no injection target is specified, the type
  412. is required.
  413. Example:
  414. <env-entry-type>java.lang.Integer</env-entry-type>
  415. ]]>
  416. </xsd:documentation>
  417. </xsd:annotation>
  418. </xsd:element>
  419. <xsd:element name="env-entry-value"
  420. type="javaee:xsdStringType"
  421. minOccurs="0">
  422. <xsd:annotation>
  423. <xsd:documentation>
  424. <![CDATA[
  425. The env-entry-value designates the value of a
  426. Deployment Component's environment entry. The value
  427. must be a String that is valid for the
  428. constructor of the specified type that takes a
  429. single String parameter, or for java.lang.Character,
  430. a single character.
  431. Example:
  432. <env-entry-value>100.00</env-entry-value>
  433. ]]>
  434. </xsd:documentation>
  435. </xsd:annotation>
  436. </xsd:element>
  437. <xsd:group ref="javaee:resourceGroup"/>
  438. </xsd:sequence>
  439. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  440. </xsd:complexType>
  441. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  442. <xsd:complexType name="fully-qualified-classType">
  443. <xsd:annotation>
  444. <xsd:documentation>
  445. The elements that use this type designate the name of a
  446. Java class or interface. The name is in the form of a
  447. "binary name", as defined in the JLS. This is the form
  448. of name used in Class.forName(). Tools that need the
  449. canonical name (the name used in source code) will need
  450. to convert this binary name to the canonical name.
  451. </xsd:documentation>
  452. </xsd:annotation>
  453. <xsd:simpleContent>
  454. <xsd:restriction base="javaee:string"/>
  455. </xsd:simpleContent>
  456. </xsd:complexType>
  457. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  458. <xsd:complexType name="generic-booleanType">
  459. <xsd:annotation>
  460. <xsd:documentation>
  461. This type defines four different values which can designate
  462. boolean values. This includes values yes and no which are
  463. not designated by xsd:boolean
  464. </xsd:documentation>
  465. </xsd:annotation>
  466. <xsd:simpleContent>
  467. <xsd:restriction base="javaee:string">
  468. <xsd:enumeration value="true"/>
  469. <xsd:enumeration value="false"/>
  470. <xsd:enumeration value="yes"/>
  471. <xsd:enumeration value="no"/>
  472. </xsd:restriction>
  473. </xsd:simpleContent>
  474. </xsd:complexType>
  475. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  476. <xsd:complexType name="homeType">
  477. <xsd:annotation>
  478. <xsd:documentation>
  479. <![CDATA[
  480. The homeType defines the fully-qualified name of
  481. an enterprise bean's home interface.
  482. Example:
  483. <home>com.aardvark.payroll.PayrollHome</home>
  484. ]]>
  485. </xsd:documentation>
  486. </xsd:annotation>
  487. <xsd:simpleContent>
  488. <xsd:restriction base="javaee:fully-qualified-classType"/>
  489. </xsd:simpleContent>
  490. </xsd:complexType>
  491. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  492. <xsd:complexType name="iconType">
  493. <xsd:annotation>
  494. <xsd:documentation>
  495. The icon type contains small-icon and large-icon elements
  496. that specify the file names for small and large GIF, JPEG,
  497. or PNG icon images used to represent the parent element in a
  498. GUI tool.
  499. The xml:lang attribute defines the language that the
  500. icon file names are provided in. Its value is "en" (English)
  501. by default.
  502. </xsd:documentation>
  503. </xsd:annotation>
  504. <xsd:sequence>
  505. <xsd:element name="small-icon" type="javaee:pathType"
  506. minOccurs="0">
  507. <xsd:annotation>
  508. <xsd:documentation>
  509. <![CDATA[
  510. The small-icon element contains the name of a file
  511. containing a small (16 x 16) icon image. The file
  512. name is a relative path within the Deployment
  513. Component's Deployment File.
  514. The image may be in the GIF, JPEG, or PNG format.
  515. The icon can be used by tools.
  516. Example:
  517. <small-icon>employee-service-icon16x16.jpg</small-icon>
  518. ]]>
  519. </xsd:documentation>
  520. </xsd:annotation>
  521. </xsd:element>
  522. <xsd:element name="large-icon" type="javaee:pathType"
  523. minOccurs="0">
  524. <xsd:annotation>
  525. <xsd:documentation>
  526. <![CDATA[
  527. The large-icon element contains the name of a file
  528. containing a large
  529. (32 x 32) icon image. The file name is a relative
  530. path within the Deployment Component's Deployment
  531. File.
  532. The image may be in the GIF, JPEG, or PNG format.
  533. The icon can be used by tools.
  534. Example:
  535. <large-icon>employee-service-icon32x32.jpg</large-icon>
  536. ]]>
  537. </xsd:documentation>
  538. </xsd:annotation>
  539. </xsd:element>
  540. </xsd:sequence>
  541. <xsd:attribute ref="xml:lang"/>
  542. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  543. </xsd:complexType>
  544. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  545. <xsd:complexType name="injection-targetType">
  546. <xsd:annotation>
  547. <xsd:documentation>
  548. An injection target specifies a class and a name within
  549. that class into which a resource should be injected.
  550. The injection target class specifies the fully qualified
  551. class name that is the target of the injection. The
  552. Java EE specifications describe which classes can be an
  553. injection target.
  554. The injection target name specifies the target within
  555. the specified class. The target is first looked for as a
  556. JavaBeans property name. If not found, the target is
  557. looked for as a field name.
  558. The specified resource will be injected into the target
  559. during initialization of the class by either calling the
  560. set method for the target property or by setting a value
  561. into the named field.
  562. </xsd:documentation>
  563. </xsd:annotation>
  564. <xsd:sequence>
  565. <xsd:element name="injection-target-class"
  566. type="javaee:fully-qualified-classType"/>
  567. <xsd:element name="injection-target-name"
  568. type="javaee:java-identifierType"/>
  569. </xsd:sequence>
  570. </xsd:complexType>
  571. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  572. <xsd:complexType name="java-identifierType">
  573. <xsd:annotation>
  574. <xsd:documentation>
  575. The java-identifierType defines a Java identifier.
  576. The users of this type should further verify that
  577. the content does not contain Java reserved keywords.
  578. </xsd:documentation>
  579. </xsd:annotation>
  580. <xsd:simpleContent>
  581. <xsd:restriction base="javaee:string">
  582. <xsd:pattern value="($|_|\p{L})(\p{L}|\p{Nd}|_|$)*"/>
  583. </xsd:restriction>
  584. </xsd:simpleContent>
  585. </xsd:complexType>
  586. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  587. <xsd:complexType name="java-typeType">
  588. <xsd:annotation>
  589. <xsd:documentation>
  590. This is a generic type that designates a Java primitive
  591. type or a fully qualified name of a Java interface/type,
  592. or an array of such types.
  593. </xsd:documentation>
  594. </xsd:annotation>
  595. <xsd:simpleContent>
  596. <xsd:restriction base="javaee:string">
  597. <xsd:pattern value="[^\p{Z}]*"/>
  598. </xsd:restriction>
  599. </xsd:simpleContent>
  600. </xsd:complexType>
  601. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  602. <xsd:complexType name="jndi-nameType">
  603. <xsd:annotation>
  604. <xsd:documentation>
  605. The jndi-nameType type designates a JNDI name in the
  606. Deployment Component's environment and is relative to the
  607. java:comp/env context. A JNDI name must be unique within the
  608. Deployment Component.
  609. </xsd:documentation>
  610. </xsd:annotation>
  611. <xsd:simpleContent>
  612. <xsd:restriction base="javaee:string"/>
  613. </xsd:simpleContent>
  614. </xsd:complexType>
  615. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  616. <xsd:group name="jndiEnvironmentRefsGroup">
  617. <xsd:annotation>
  618. <xsd:documentation>
  619. This group keeps the usage of the contained JNDI environment
  620. reference elements consistent across Java EE deployment descriptors.
  621. </xsd:documentation>
  622. </xsd:annotation>
  623. <xsd:sequence>
  624. <xsd:element name="env-entry"
  625. type="javaee:env-entryType"
  626. minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  627. <xsd:element name="ejb-ref"
  628. type="javaee:ejb-refType"
  629. minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  630. <xsd:element name="ejb-local-ref"
  631. type="javaee:ejb-local-refType"
  632. minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  633. <xsd:group ref="javaee:service-refGroup"/>
  634. <xsd:element name="resource-ref"
  635. type="javaee:resource-refType"
  636. minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  637. <xsd:element name="resource-env-ref"
  638. type="javaee:resource-env-refType"
  639. minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  640. <xsd:element name="message-destination-ref"
  641. type="javaee:message-destination-refType"
  642. minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  643. <xsd:element name="persistence-context-ref"
  644. type="javaee:persistence-context-refType"
  645. minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  646. <xsd:element name="persistence-unit-ref"
  647. type="javaee:persistence-unit-refType"
  648. minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  649. <xsd:element name="post-construct"
  650. type="javaee:lifecycle-callbackType"
  651. minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  652. <xsd:element name="pre-destroy"
  653. type="javaee:lifecycle-callbackType"
  654. minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  655. </xsd:sequence>
  656. </xsd:group>
  657. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  658. <xsd:complexType name="lifecycle-callbackType">
  659. <xsd:annotation>
  660. <xsd:documentation>
  661. The lifecycle-callback type specifies a method on a
  662. class to be called when a lifecycle event occurs.
  663. Note that each class may have only one lifecycle callback
  664. method for any given event and that the method may not
  665. be overloaded.
  666. If the lifefycle-callback-class element is missing then
  667. the class defining the callback is assumed to be the
  668. component class in scope at the place in the descriptor
  669. in which the callback definition appears.
  670. </xsd:documentation>
  671. </xsd:annotation>
  672. <xsd:sequence>
  673. <xsd:element name="lifecycle-callback-class"
  674. type="javaee:fully-qualified-classType"
  675. minOccurs="0"/>
  676. <xsd:element name="lifecycle-callback-method"
  677. type="javaee:java-identifierType"/>
  678. </xsd:sequence>
  679. </xsd:complexType>
  680. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  681. <xsd:complexType name="listenerType">
  682. <xsd:annotation>
  683. <xsd:documentation>
  684. The listenerType indicates the deployment properties for a web
  685. application listener bean.
  686. </xsd:documentation>
  687. </xsd:annotation>
  688. <xsd:sequence>
  689. <xsd:group ref="javaee:descriptionGroup"/>
  690. <xsd:element name="listener-class"
  691. type="javaee:fully-qualified-classType">
  692. <xsd:annotation>
  693. <xsd:documentation>
  694. The listener-class element declares a class in the
  695. application must be registered as a web
  696. application listener bean. The value is the fully
  697. qualified classname of the listener class.
  698. </xsd:documentation>
  699. </xsd:annotation>
  700. </xsd:element>
  701. </xsd:sequence>
  702. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  703. </xsd:complexType>
  704. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  705. <xsd:complexType name="local-homeType">
  706. <xsd:annotation>
  707. <xsd:documentation>
  708. The local-homeType defines the fully-qualified
  709. name of an enterprise bean's local home interface.
  710. </xsd:documentation>
  711. </xsd:annotation>
  712. <xsd:simpleContent>
  713. <xsd:restriction base="javaee:fully-qualified-classType"/>
  714. </xsd:simpleContent>
  715. </xsd:complexType>
  716. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  717. <xsd:complexType name="localType">
  718. <xsd:annotation>
  719. <xsd:documentation>
  720. The localType defines the fully-qualified name of an
  721. enterprise bean's local interface.
  722. </xsd:documentation>
  723. </xsd:annotation>
  724. <xsd:simpleContent>
  725. <xsd:restriction base="javaee:fully-qualified-classType"/>
  726. </xsd:simpleContent>
  727. </xsd:complexType>
  728. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  729. <xsd:complexType name="message-destination-linkType">
  730. <xsd:annotation>
  731. <xsd:documentation>
  732. The message-destination-linkType is used to link a message
  733. destination reference or message-driven bean to a message
  734. destination.
  735. The Assembler sets the value to reflect the flow of messages
  736. between producers and consumers in the application.
  737. The value must be the message-destination-name of a message
  738. destination in the same Deployment File or in another
  739. Deployment File in the same Java EE application unit.
  740. Alternatively, the value may be composed of a path name
  741. specifying a Deployment File containing the referenced
  742. message destination with the message-destination-name of the
  743. destination appended and separated from the path name by
  744. "#". The path name is relative to the Deployment File
  745. containing Deployment Component that is referencing the
  746. message destination. This allows multiple message
  747. destinations with the same name to be uniquely identified.
  748. </xsd:documentation>
  749. </xsd:annotation>
  750. <xsd:simpleContent>
  751. <xsd:restriction base="javaee:string"/>
  752. </xsd:simpleContent>
  753. </xsd:complexType>
  754. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  755. <xsd:complexType name="message-destination-refType">
  756. <xsd:annotation>
  757. <xsd:documentation>
  758. <![CDATA[
  759. The message-destination-ref element contains a declaration
  760. of Deployment Component's reference to a message destination
  761. associated with a resource in Deployment Component's
  762. environment. It consists of:
  763. - an optional description
  764. - the message destination reference name
  765. - an optional message destination type
  766. - an optional specification as to whether
  767. the destination is used for
  768. consuming or producing messages, or both.
  769. if not specified, "both" is assumed.
  770. - an optional link to the message destination
  771. - optional injection targets
  772. The message destination type must be supplied unless an
  773. injection target is specified, in which case the type
  774. of the target is used. If both are specified, the type
  775. must be assignment compatible with the type of the injection
  776. target.
  777. Examples:
  778. <message-destination-ref>
  779. <message-destination-ref-name>jms/StockQueue
  780. </message-destination-ref-name>
  781. <message-destination-type>javax.jms.Queue
  782. </message-destination-type>
  783. <message-destination-usage>Consumes
  784. </message-destination-usage>
  785. <message-destination-link>CorporateStocks
  786. </message-destination-link>
  787. </message-destination-ref>
  788. ]]>
  789. </xsd:documentation>
  790. </xsd:annotation>
  791. <xsd:sequence>
  792. <xsd:element name="description"
  793. type="javaee:descriptionType"
  794. minOccurs="0"
  795. maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  796. <xsd:element name="message-destination-ref-name"
  797. type="javaee:jndi-nameType">
  798. <xsd:annotation>
  799. <xsd:documentation>
  800. The message-destination-ref-name element specifies
  801. the name of a message destination reference; its
  802. value is the environment entry name used in
  803. Deployment Component code. The name is a JNDI name
  804. relative to the java:comp/env context and must be
  805. unique within an ejb-jar (for enterprise beans) or a
  806. Deployment File (for others).
  807. </xsd:documentation>
  808. </xsd:annotation>
  809. </xsd:element>
  810. <xsd:element name="message-destination-type"
  811. type="javaee:message-destination-typeType"
  812. minOccurs="0"/>
  813. <xsd:element name="message-destination-usage"
  814. type="javaee:message-destination-usageType"
  815. minOccurs="0"/>
  816. <xsd:element name="message-destination-link"
  817. type="javaee:message-destination-linkType"
  818. minOccurs="0"/>
  819. <xsd:group ref="javaee:resourceGroup"/>
  820. </xsd:sequence>
  821. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  822. </xsd:complexType>
  823. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  824. <xsd:complexType name="message-destination-typeType">
  825. <xsd:annotation>
  826. <xsd:documentation>
  827. <![CDATA[
  828. The message-destination-typeType specifies the type of
  829. the destination. The type is specified by the Java interface
  830. expected to be implemented by the destination.
  831. Example:
  832. <message-destination-type>javax.jms.Queue
  833. </message-destination-type>
  834. ]]>
  835. </xsd:documentation>
  836. </xsd:annotation>
  837. <xsd:simpleContent>
  838. <xsd:restriction base="javaee:fully-qualified-classType"/>
  839. </xsd:simpleContent>
  840. </xsd:complexType>
  841. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  842. <xsd:complexType name="message-destination-usageType">
  843. <xsd:annotation>
  844. <xsd:documentation>
  845. The message-destination-usageType specifies the use of the
  846. message destination indicated by the reference. The value
  847. indicates whether messages are consumed from the message
  848. destination, produced for the destination, or both. The
  849. Assembler makes use of this information in linking producers
  850. of a destination with its consumers.
  851. The value of the message-destination-usage element must be
  852. one of the following:
  853. Consumes
  854. Produces
  855. ConsumesProduces
  856. </xsd:documentation>
  857. </xsd:annotation>
  858. <xsd:simpleContent>
  859. <xsd:restriction base="javaee:string">
  860. <xsd:enumeration value="Consumes"/>
  861. <xsd:enumeration value="Produces"/>
  862. <xsd:enumeration value="ConsumesProduces"/>
  863. </xsd:restriction>
  864. </xsd:simpleContent>
  865. </xsd:complexType>
  866. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  867. <xsd:complexType name="message-destinationType">
  868. <xsd:annotation>
  869. <xsd:documentation>
  870. <![CDATA[
  871. The message-destinationType specifies a message
  872. destination. The logical destination described by this
  873. element is mapped to a physical destination by the Deployer.
  874. The message destination element contains:
  875. - an optional description
  876. - an optional display-name
  877. - an optional icon
  878. - a message destination name which must be unique
  879. among message destination names within the same
  880. Deployment File.
  881. - an optional mapped name
  882. Example:
  883. <message-destination>
  884. <message-destination-name>CorporateStocks
  885. </message-destination-name>
  886. </message-destination>
  887. ]]>
  888. </xsd:documentation>
  889. </xsd:annotation>
  890. <xsd:sequence>
  891. <xsd:group ref="javaee:descriptionGroup"/>
  892. <xsd:element name="message-destination-name"
  893. type="javaee:string">
  894. <xsd:annotation>
  895. <xsd:documentation>
  896. The message-destination-name element specifies a
  897. name for a message destination. This name must be
  898. unique among the names of message destinations
  899. within the Deployment File.
  900. </xsd:documentation>
  901. </xsd:annotation>
  902. </xsd:element>
  903. <xsd:element name="mapped-name"
  904. type="javaee:xsdStringType"
  905. minOccurs="0">
  906. <xsd:annotation>
  907. <xsd:documentation>
  908. <![CDATA[
  909. A product specific name that this message destination
  910. should be mapped to. Each message-destination-ref
  911. element that references this message destination will
  912. define a name in the namespace of the referencing
  913. component. (It's a name in the JNDI java:comp/env
  914. namespace.) Many application servers provide a way to
  915. map these local names to names of resources known to the
  916. application server. This mapped name is often a global
  917. JNDI name, but may be a name of any form. Each of the
  918. local names should be mapped to this same global name.
  919. Application servers are not required to support any
  920. particular form or type of mapped name, nor the ability
  921. to use mapped names. The mapped name is
  922. product-dependent and often installation-dependent. No
  923. use of a mapped name is portable.
  924. ]]>
  925. </xsd:documentation>
  926. </xsd:annotation>
  927. </xsd:element>
  928. </xsd:sequence>
  929. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  930. </xsd:complexType>
  931. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  932. <xsd:complexType name="param-valueType">
  933. <xsd:annotation>
  934. <xsd:documentation>
  935. This type is a general type that can be used to declare
  936. parameter/value lists.
  937. </xsd:documentation>
  938. </xsd:annotation>
  939. <xsd:sequence>
  940. <xsd:element name="description"
  941. type="javaee:descriptionType"
  942. minOccurs="0"
  943. maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  944. <xsd:element name="param-name"
  945. type="javaee:string">
  946. <xsd:annotation>
  947. <xsd:documentation>
  948. The param-name element contains the name of a
  949. parameter.
  950. </xsd:documentation>
  951. </xsd:annotation>
  952. </xsd:element>
  953. <xsd:element name="param-value"
  954. type="javaee:xsdStringType">
  955. <xsd:annotation>
  956. <xsd:documentation>
  957. The param-value element contains the value of a
  958. parameter.
  959. </xsd:documentation>
  960. </xsd:annotation>
  961. </xsd:element>
  962. </xsd:sequence>
  963. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  964. </xsd:complexType>
  965. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  966. <xsd:complexType name="pathType">
  967. <xsd:annotation>
  968. <xsd:documentation>
  969. The elements that use this type designate either a relative
  970. path or an absolute path starting with a "/".
  971. In elements that specify a pathname to a file within the
  972. same Deployment File, relative filenames (i.e., those not
  973. starting with "/") are considered relative to the root of
  974. the Deployment File's namespace. Absolute filenames (i.e.,
  975. those starting with "/") also specify names in the root of
  976. the Deployment File's namespace. In general, relative names
  977. are preferred. The exception is .war files where absolute
  978. names are preferred for consistency with the Servlet API.
  979. </xsd:documentation>
  980. </xsd:annotation>
  981. <xsd:simpleContent>
  982. <xsd:restriction base="javaee:string"/>
  983. </xsd:simpleContent>
  984. </xsd:complexType>
  985. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  986. <xsd:complexType name="persistence-context-refType">
  987. <xsd:annotation>
  988. <xsd:documentation>
  989. <![CDATA[
  990. The persistence-context-ref element contains a declaration
  991. of Deployment Component's reference to a persistence context
  992. associated within a Deployment Component's
  993. environment. It consists of:
  994. - an optional description
  995. - the persistence context reference name
  996. - an optional persistence unit name. If not specified,
  997. the default persistence unit is assumed.
  998. - an optional specification as to whether
  999. the persistence context type is Transaction or
  1000. Extended. If not specified, Transaction is assumed.
  1001. - an optional list of persistence properties
  1002. - optional injection targets
  1003. Examples:
  1004. <persistence-context-ref>
  1005. <persistence-context-ref-name>myPersistenceContext
  1006. </persistence-context-ref-name>
  1007. </persistence-context-ref>
  1008. <persistence-context-ref>
  1009. <persistence-context-ref-name>myPersistenceContext
  1010. </persistence-context-ref-name>
  1011. <persistence-unit-name>PersistenceUnit1
  1012. </persistence-unit-name>
  1013. <persistence-context-type>Extended</persistence-context-type>
  1014. </persistence-context-ref>
  1015. ]]>
  1016. </xsd:documentation>
  1017. </xsd:annotation>
  1018. <xsd:sequence>
  1019. <xsd:element name="description"
  1020. type="javaee:descriptionType"
  1021. minOccurs="0"
  1022. maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  1023. <xsd:element name="persistence-context-ref-name"
  1024. type="javaee:jndi-nameType">
  1025. <xsd:annotation>
  1026. <xsd:documentation>
  1027. The persistence-context-ref-name element specifies
  1028. the name of a persistence context reference; its
  1029. value is the environment entry name used in
  1030. Deployment Component code. The name is a JNDI name
  1031. relative to the java:comp/env context.
  1032. </xsd:documentation>
  1033. </xsd:annotation>
  1034. </xsd:element>
  1035. <xsd:element name="persistence-unit-name"
  1036. type="javaee:string"
  1037. minOccurs="0">
  1038. <xsd:annotation>
  1039. <xsd:documentation>
  1040. The Application Assembler(or BeanProvider) may use the
  1041. following syntax to avoid the need to rename persistence
  1042. units to have unique names within a Java EE application.
  1043. The Application Assembler specifies the pathname of the
  1044. root of the persistence.xml file for the referenced
  1045. persistence unit and appends the name of the persistence
  1046. unit separated from the pathname by #. The pathname is
  1047. relative to the referencing application component jar file.
  1048. In this manner, multiple persistence units with the same
  1049. persistence unit name may be uniquely identified when the
  1050. Application Assembler cannot change persistence unit names.
  1051. </xsd:documentation>
  1052. </xsd:annotation>
  1053. </xsd:element>
  1054. <xsd:element name="persistence-context-type"
  1055. type="javaee:persistence-context-typeType"
  1056. minOccurs="0"/>
  1057. <xsd:element name="persistence-property"
  1058. type="javaee:propertyType"
  1059. minOccurs="0"
  1060. maxOccurs="unbounded">
  1061. <xsd:annotation>
  1062. <xsd:documentation>
  1063. Used to specify properties for the container or persistence
  1064. provider. Vendor-specific properties may be included in
  1065. the set of properties. Properties that are not recognized
  1066. by a vendor must be ignored. Entries that make use of the
  1067. namespace javax.persistence and its subnamespaces must not
  1068. be used for vendor-specific properties. The namespace
  1069. javax.persistence is reserved for use by the specification.
  1070. </xsd:documentation>
  1071. </xsd:annotation>
  1072. </xsd:element>
  1073. <xsd:group ref="javaee:resourceGroup"/>
  1074. </xsd:sequence>
  1075. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  1076. </xsd:complexType>
  1077. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  1078. <xsd:complexType name="persistence-context-typeType">
  1079. <xsd:annotation>
  1080. <xsd:documentation>
  1081. The persistence-context-typeType specifies the transactional
  1082. nature of a persistence context reference.
  1083. The value of the persistence-context-type element must be
  1084. one of the following:
  1085. Transaction
  1086. Extended
  1087. </xsd:documentation>
  1088. </xsd:annotation>
  1089. <xsd:simpleContent>
  1090. <xsd:restriction base="javaee:string">
  1091. <xsd:enumeration value="Transaction"/>
  1092. <xsd:enumeration value="Extended"/>
  1093. </xsd:restriction>
  1094. </xsd:simpleContent>
  1095. </xsd:complexType>
  1096. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  1097. <xsd:complexType name="persistence-unit-refType">
  1098. <xsd:annotation>
  1099. <xsd:documentation>
  1100. <![CDATA[
  1101. The persistence-unit-ref element contains a declaration
  1102. of Deployment Component's reference to a persistence unit
  1103. associated within a Deployment Component's
  1104. environment. It consists of:
  1105. - an optional description
  1106. - the persistence unit reference name
  1107. - an optional persistence unit name. If not specified,
  1108. the default persistence unit is assumed.
  1109. - optional injection targets
  1110. Examples:
  1111. <persistence-unit-ref>
  1112. <persistence-unit-ref-name>myPersistenceUnit
  1113. </persistence-unit-ref-name>
  1114. </persistence-unit-ref>
  1115. <persistence-unit-ref>
  1116. <persistence-unit-ref-name>myPersistenceUnit
  1117. </persistence-unit-ref-name>
  1118. <persistence-unit-name>PersistenceUnit1
  1119. </persistence-unit-name>
  1120. </persistence-unit-ref>
  1121. ]]>
  1122. </xsd:documentation>
  1123. </xsd:annotation>
  1124. <xsd:sequence>
  1125. <xsd:element name="description"
  1126. type="javaee:descriptionType"
  1127. minOccurs="0"
  1128. maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  1129. <xsd:element name="persistence-unit-ref-name"
  1130. type="javaee:jndi-nameType">
  1131. <xsd:annotation>
  1132. <xsd:documentation>
  1133. The persistence-unit-ref-name element specifies
  1134. the name of a persistence unit reference; its
  1135. value is the environment entry name used in
  1136. Deployment Component code. The name is a JNDI name
  1137. relative to the java:comp/env context.
  1138. </xsd:documentation>
  1139. </xsd:annotation>
  1140. </xsd:element>
  1141. <xsd:element name="persistence-unit-name"
  1142. type="javaee:string"
  1143. minOccurs="0">
  1144. <xsd:annotation>
  1145. <xsd:documentation>
  1146. The Application Assembler(or BeanProvider) may use the
  1147. following syntax to avoid the need to rename persistence
  1148. units to have unique names within a Java EE application.
  1149. The Application Assembler specifies the pathname of the
  1150. root of the persistence.xml file for the referenced
  1151. persistence unit and appends the name of the persistence
  1152. unit separated from the pathname by #. The pathname is
  1153. relative to the referencing application component jar file.
  1154. In this manner, multiple persistence units with the same
  1155. persistence unit name may be uniquely identified when the
  1156. Application Assembler cannot change persistence unit names.
  1157. </xsd:documentation>
  1158. </xsd:annotation>
  1159. </xsd:element>
  1160. <xsd:group ref="javaee:resourceGroup"/>
  1161. </xsd:sequence>
  1162. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  1163. </xsd:complexType>
  1164. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  1165. <xsd:complexType name="propertyType">
  1166. <xsd:annotation>
  1167. <xsd:documentation>
  1168. Specifies a name/value pair.
  1169. </xsd:documentation>
  1170. </xsd:annotation>
  1171. <xsd:sequence>
  1172. <xsd:element name="name"
  1173. type="javaee:xsdStringType">
  1174. </xsd:element>
  1175. <xsd:element name="value"
  1176. type="javaee:xsdStringType">
  1177. </xsd:element>
  1178. </xsd:sequence>
  1179. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  1180. </xsd:complexType>
  1181. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  1182. <xsd:complexType name="remoteType">
  1183. <xsd:annotation>
  1184. <xsd:documentation>
  1185. <![CDATA[
  1186. The remote element contains the fully-qualified name
  1187. of the enterprise bean's remote interface.
  1188. Example:
  1189. <remote>com.wombat.empl.EmployeeService</remote>
  1190. ]]>
  1191. </xsd:documentation>
  1192. </xsd:annotation>
  1193. <xsd:simpleContent>
  1194. <xsd:restriction base="javaee:fully-qualified-classType"/>
  1195. </xsd:simpleContent>
  1196. </xsd:complexType>
  1197. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  1198. <xsd:complexType name="res-authType">
  1199. <xsd:annotation>
  1200. <xsd:documentation>
  1201. The res-authType specifies whether the Deployment Component
  1202. code signs on programmatically to the resource manager, or
  1203. whether the Container will sign on to the resource manager
  1204. on behalf of the Deployment Component. In the latter case,
  1205. the Container uses information that is supplied by the
  1206. Deployer.
  1207. The value must be one of the two following:
  1208. Application
  1209. Container
  1210. </xsd:documentation>
  1211. </xsd:annotation>
  1212. <xsd:simpleContent>
  1213. <xsd:restriction base="javaee:string">
  1214. <xsd:enumeration value="Application"/>
  1215. <xsd:enumeration value="Container"/>
  1216. </xsd:restriction>
  1217. </xsd:simpleContent>
  1218. </xsd:complexType>
  1219. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  1220. <xsd:complexType name="res-sharing-scopeType">
  1221. <xsd:annotation>
  1222. <xsd:documentation>
  1223. The res-sharing-scope type specifies whether connections
  1224. obtained through the given resource manager connection
  1225. factory reference can be shared. The value, if specified,
  1226. must be one of the two following:
  1227. Shareable
  1228. Unshareable
  1229. The default value is Shareable.
  1230. </xsd:documentation>
  1231. </xsd:annotation>
  1232. <xsd:simpleContent>
  1233. <xsd:restriction base="javaee:string">
  1234. <xsd:enumeration value="Shareable"/>
  1235. <xsd:enumeration value="Unshareable"/>
  1236. </xsd:restriction>
  1237. </xsd:simpleContent>
  1238. </xsd:complexType>
  1239. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  1240. <xsd:complexType name="resource-env-refType">
  1241. <xsd:annotation>
  1242. <xsd:documentation>
  1243. <![CDATA[
  1244. The resource-env-refType is used to define
  1245. resource-env-type elements. It contains a declaration of a
  1246. Deployment Component's reference to an administered object
  1247. associated with a resource in the Deployment Component's
  1248. environment. It consists of an optional description, the
  1249. resource environment reference name, and an optional
  1250. indication of the resource environment reference type
  1251. expected by the Deployment Component code.
  1252. It also includes optional elements to define injection of
  1253. the named resource into fields or JavaBeans properties.
  1254. The resource environment type must be supplied unless an
  1255. injection target is specified, in which case the type
  1256. of the target is used. If both are specified, the type
  1257. must be assignment compatible with the type of the injection
  1258. target.
  1259. Example:
  1260. <resource-env-ref>
  1261. <resource-env-ref-name>jms/StockQueue
  1262. </resource-env-ref-name>
  1263. <resource-env-ref-type>javax.jms.Queue
  1264. </resource-env-ref-type>
  1265. </resource-env-ref>
  1266. ]]>
  1267. </xsd:documentation>
  1268. </xsd:annotation>
  1269. <xsd:sequence>
  1270. <xsd:element name="description"
  1271. type="javaee:descriptionType"
  1272. minOccurs="0"
  1273. maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  1274. <xsd:element name="resource-env-ref-name"
  1275. type="javaee:jndi-nameType">
  1276. <xsd:annotation>
  1277. <xsd:documentation>
  1278. The resource-env-ref-name element specifies the name
  1279. of a resource environment reference; its value is
  1280. the environment entry name used in
  1281. the Deployment Component code. The name is a JNDI
  1282. name relative to the java:comp/env context and must
  1283. be unique within a Deployment Component.
  1284. </xsd:documentation>
  1285. </xsd:annotation>
  1286. </xsd:element>
  1287. <xsd:element name="resource-env-ref-type"
  1288. type="javaee:fully-qualified-classType"
  1289. minOccurs="0">
  1290. <xsd:annotation>
  1291. <xsd:documentation>
  1292. The resource-env-ref-type element specifies the type
  1293. of a resource environment reference. It is the
  1294. fully qualified name of a Java language class or
  1295. interface.
  1296. </xsd:documentation>
  1297. </xsd:annotation>
  1298. </xsd:element>
  1299. <xsd:group ref="javaee:resourceGroup"/>
  1300. </xsd:sequence>
  1301. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  1302. </xsd:complexType>
  1303. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  1304. <xsd:complexType name="resource-refType">
  1305. <xsd:annotation>
  1306. <xsd:documentation>
  1307. <![CDATA[
  1308. The resource-refType contains a declaration of a
  1309. Deployment Component's reference to an external resource. It
  1310. consists of an optional description, the resource manager
  1311. connection factory reference name, an optional indication of
  1312. the resource manager connection factory type expected by the
  1313. Deployment Component code, an optional type of authentication
  1314. (Application or Container), and an optional specification of
  1315. the shareability of connections obtained from the resource
  1316. (Shareable or Unshareable).
  1317. It also includes optional elements to define injection of
  1318. the named resource into fields or JavaBeans properties.
  1319. The connection factory type must be supplied unless an
  1320. injection target is specified, in which case the type
  1321. of the target is used. If both are specified, the type
  1322. must be assignment compatible with the type of the injection
  1323. target.
  1324. Example:
  1325. <resource-ref>
  1326. <res-ref-name>jdbc/EmployeeAppDB</res-ref-name>
  1327. <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type>
  1328. <res-auth>Container</res-auth>
  1329. <res-sharing-scope>Shareable</res-sharing-scope>
  1330. </resource-ref>
  1331. ]]>
  1332. </xsd:documentation>
  1333. </xsd:annotation>
  1334. <xsd:sequence>
  1335. <xsd:element name="description"
  1336. type="javaee:descriptionType"
  1337. minOccurs="0"
  1338. maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  1339. <xsd:element name="res-ref-name"
  1340. type="javaee:jndi-nameType">
  1341. <xsd:annotation>
  1342. <xsd:documentation>
  1343. The res-ref-name element specifies the name of a
  1344. resource manager connection factory reference.
  1345. The name is a JNDI name relative to the
  1346. java:comp/env context.
  1347. The name must be unique within a Deployment File.
  1348. </xsd:documentation>
  1349. </xsd:annotation>
  1350. </xsd:element>
  1351. <xsd:element name="res-type"
  1352. type="javaee:fully-qualified-classType"
  1353. minOccurs="0">
  1354. <xsd:annotation>
  1355. <xsd:documentation>
  1356. The res-type element specifies the type of the data
  1357. source. The type is specified by the fully qualified
  1358. Java language class or interface
  1359. expected to be implemented by the data source.
  1360. </xsd:documentation>
  1361. </xsd:annotation>
  1362. </xsd:element>
  1363. <xsd:element name="res-auth"
  1364. type="javaee:res-authType"
  1365. minOccurs="0"/>
  1366. <xsd:element name="res-sharing-scope"
  1367. type="javaee:res-sharing-scopeType"
  1368. minOccurs="0"/>
  1369. <xsd:group ref="javaee:resourceGroup"/>
  1370. </xsd:sequence>
  1371. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  1372. </xsd:complexType>
  1373. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  1374. <xsd:group name="resourceGroup">
  1375. <xsd:annotation>
  1376. <xsd:documentation>
  1377. This group collects elements that are common to all the
  1378. JNDI resource elements.
  1379. </xsd:documentation>
  1380. </xsd:annotation>
  1381. <xsd:sequence>
  1382. <xsd:element name="mapped-name"
  1383. type="javaee:xsdStringType"
  1384. minOccurs="0">
  1385. <xsd:annotation>
  1386. <xsd:documentation>
  1387. <![CDATA[
  1388. A product specific name that this resource should be
  1389. mapped to. The name of this resource, as defined by the
  1390. resource's name element or defaulted, is a name that is
  1391. local to the application component using the resource.
  1392. (It's a name in the JNDI java:comp/env namespace.) Many
  1393. application servers provide a way to map these local
  1394. names to names of resources known to the application
  1395. server. This mapped name is often a global JNDI name,
  1396. but may be a name of any form.
  1397. Application servers are not required to support any
  1398. particular form or type of mapped name, nor the ability
  1399. to use mapped names. The mapped name is
  1400. product-dependent and often installation-dependent. No
  1401. use of a mapped name is portable.
  1402. ]]>
  1403. </xsd:documentation>
  1404. </xsd:annotation>
  1405. </xsd:element>
  1406. <xsd:element name="injection-target"
  1407. type="javaee:injection-targetType"
  1408. minOccurs="0"
  1409. maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  1410. </xsd:sequence>
  1411. </xsd:group>
  1412. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  1413. <xsd:complexType name="role-nameType">
  1414. <xsd:annotation>
  1415. <xsd:documentation>
  1416. The role-nameType designates the name of a security role.
  1417. The name must conform to the lexical rules for a token.
  1418. </xsd:documentation>
  1419. </xsd:annotation>
  1420. <xsd:simpleContent>
  1421. <xsd:restriction base="javaee:string"/>
  1422. </xsd:simpleContent>
  1423. </xsd:complexType>
  1424. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  1425. <xsd:complexType name="run-asType">
  1426. <xsd:annotation>
  1427. <xsd:documentation>
  1428. The run-asType specifies the run-as identity to be
  1429. used for the execution of a component. It contains an
  1430. optional description, and the name of a security role.
  1431. </xsd:documentation>
  1432. </xsd:annotation>
  1433. <xsd:sequence>
  1434. <xsd:element name="description"
  1435. type="javaee:descriptionType"
  1436. minOccurs="0"
  1437. maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  1438. <xsd:element name="role-name"
  1439. type="javaee:role-nameType"/>
  1440. </xsd:sequence>
  1441. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  1442. </xsd:complexType>
  1443. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  1444. <xsd:complexType name="security-role-refType">
  1445. <xsd:annotation>
  1446. <xsd:documentation>
  1447. The security-role-refType contains the declaration of a
  1448. security role reference in a component's or a
  1449. Deployment Component's code. The declaration consists of an
  1450. optional description, the security role name used in the
  1451. code, and an optional link to a security role. If the
  1452. security role is not specified, the Deployer must choose an
  1453. appropriate security role.
  1454. </xsd:documentation>
  1455. </xsd:annotation>
  1456. <xsd:sequence>
  1457. <xsd:element name="description"
  1458. type="javaee:descriptionType"
  1459. minOccurs="0"
  1460. maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  1461. <xsd:element name="role-name"
  1462. type="javaee:role-nameType">
  1463. <xsd:annotation>
  1464. <xsd:documentation>
  1465. The value of the role-name element must be the String used
  1466. as the parameter to the
  1467. EJBContext.isCallerInRole(String roleName) method or the
  1468. HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole(String role) method.
  1469. </xsd:documentation>
  1470. </xsd:annotation>
  1471. </xsd:element>
  1472. <xsd:element name="role-link"
  1473. type="javaee:role-nameType"
  1474. minOccurs="0">
  1475. <xsd:annotation>
  1476. <xsd:documentation>
  1477. The role-link element is a reference to a defined
  1478. security role. The role-link element must contain
  1479. the name of one of the security roles defined in the
  1480. security-role elements.
  1481. </xsd:documentation>
  1482. </xsd:annotation>
  1483. </xsd:element>
  1484. </xsd:sequence>
  1485. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  1486. </xsd:complexType>
  1487. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  1488. <xsd:complexType name="security-roleType">
  1489. <xsd:annotation>
  1490. <xsd:documentation>
  1491. <![CDATA[
  1492. The security-roleType contains the definition of a security
  1493. role. The definition consists of an optional description of
  1494. the security role, and the security role name.
  1495. Example:
  1496. <security-role>
  1497. <description>
  1498. This role includes all employees who are authorized
  1499. to access the employee service application.
  1500. </description>
  1501. <role-name>employee</role-name>
  1502. </security-role>
  1503. ]]>
  1504. </xsd:documentation>
  1505. </xsd:annotation>
  1506. <xsd:sequence>
  1507. <xsd:element name="description"
  1508. type="javaee:descriptionType"
  1509. minOccurs="0"
  1510. maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  1511. <xsd:element name="role-name"
  1512. type="javaee:role-nameType"/>
  1513. </xsd:sequence>
  1514. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  1515. </xsd:complexType>
  1516. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  1517. <xsd:complexType name="string">
  1518. <xsd:annotation>
  1519. <xsd:documentation>
  1520. This is a special string datatype that is defined by Java EE as
  1521. a base type for defining collapsed strings. When schemas
  1522. require trailing/leading space elimination as well as
  1523. collapsing the existing whitespace, this base type may be
  1524. used.
  1525. </xsd:documentation>
  1526. </xsd:annotation>
  1527. <xsd:simpleContent>
  1528. <xsd:extension base="xsd:token">
  1529. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  1530. </xsd:extension>
  1531. </xsd:simpleContent>
  1532. </xsd:complexType>
  1533. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  1534. <xsd:complexType name="true-falseType">
  1535. <xsd:annotation>
  1536. <xsd:documentation>
  1537. This simple type designates a boolean with only two
  1538. permissible values
  1539. - true
  1540. - false
  1541. </xsd:documentation>
  1542. </xsd:annotation>
  1543. <xsd:simpleContent>
  1544. <xsd:restriction base="javaee:xsdBooleanType">
  1545. <xsd:pattern value="(true|false)"/>
  1546. </xsd:restriction>
  1547. </xsd:simpleContent>
  1548. </xsd:complexType>
  1549. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  1550. <xsd:complexType name="url-patternType">
  1551. <xsd:annotation>
  1552. <xsd:documentation>
  1553. The url-patternType contains the url pattern of the mapping.
  1554. It must follow the rules specified in Section 11.2 of the
  1555. Servlet API Specification. This pattern is assumed to be in
  1556. URL-decoded form and must not contain CR(#xD) or LF(#xA).
  1557. If it contains those characters, the container must inform
  1558. the developer with a descriptive error message.
  1559. The container must preserve all characters including whitespaces.
  1560. </xsd:documentation>
  1561. </xsd:annotation>
  1562. <xsd:simpleContent>
  1563. <xsd:extension base="xsd:string"/>
  1564. </xsd:simpleContent>
  1565. </xsd:complexType>
  1566. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  1567. <xsd:complexType name="xsdAnyURIType">
  1568. <xsd:annotation>
  1569. <xsd:documentation>
  1570. This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:anyURI.
  1571. </xsd:documentation>
  1572. </xsd:annotation>
  1573. <xsd:simpleContent>
  1574. <xsd:extension base="xsd:anyURI">
  1575. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  1576. </xsd:extension>
  1577. </xsd:simpleContent>
  1578. </xsd:complexType>
  1579. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  1580. <xsd:complexType name="xsdBooleanType">
  1581. <xsd:annotation>
  1582. <xsd:documentation>
  1583. This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:boolean.
  1584. </xsd:documentation>
  1585. </xsd:annotation>
  1586. <xsd:simpleContent>
  1587. <xsd:extension base="xsd:boolean">
  1588. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  1589. </xsd:extension>
  1590. </xsd:simpleContent>
  1591. </xsd:complexType>
  1592. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  1593. <xsd:complexType name="xsdIntegerType">
  1594. <xsd:annotation>
  1595. <xsd:documentation>
  1596. This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:integer.
  1597. </xsd:documentation>
  1598. </xsd:annotation>
  1599. <xsd:simpleContent>
  1600. <xsd:extension base="xsd:integer">
  1601. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  1602. </xsd:extension>
  1603. </xsd:simpleContent>
  1604. </xsd:complexType>
  1605. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  1606. <xsd:complexType name="xsdNMTOKENType">
  1607. <xsd:annotation>
  1608. <xsd:documentation>
  1609. This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:NMTOKEN.
  1610. </xsd:documentation>
  1611. </xsd:annotation>
  1612. <xsd:simpleContent>
  1613. <xsd:extension base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
  1614. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  1615. </xsd:extension>
  1616. </xsd:simpleContent>
  1617. </xsd:complexType>
  1618. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  1619. <xsd:complexType name="xsdNonNegativeIntegerType">
  1620. <xsd:annotation>
  1621. <xsd:documentation>
  1622. This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:nonNegativeInteger.
  1623. </xsd:documentation>
  1624. </xsd:annotation>
  1625. <xsd:simpleContent>
  1626. <xsd:extension base="xsd:nonNegativeInteger">
  1627. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  1628. </xsd:extension>
  1629. </xsd:simpleContent>
  1630. </xsd:complexType>
  1631. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  1632. <xsd:complexType name="xsdPositiveIntegerType">
  1633. <xsd:annotation>
  1634. <xsd:documentation>
  1635. This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:positiveInteger.
  1636. </xsd:documentation>
  1637. </xsd:annotation>
  1638. <xsd:simpleContent>
  1639. <xsd:extension base="xsd:positiveInteger">
  1640. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  1641. </xsd:extension>
  1642. </xsd:simpleContent>
  1643. </xsd:complexType>
  1644. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  1645. <xsd:complexType name="xsdQNameType">
  1646. <xsd:annotation>
  1647. <xsd:documentation>
  1648. This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:QName.
  1649. </xsd:documentation>
  1650. </xsd:annotation>
  1651. <xsd:simpleContent>
  1652. <xsd:extension base="xsd:QName">
  1653. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  1654. </xsd:extension>
  1655. </xsd:simpleContent>
  1656. </xsd:complexType>
  1657. <!-- **************************************************** -->
  1658. <xsd:complexType name="xsdStringType">
  1659. <xsd:annotation>
  1660. <xsd:documentation>
  1661. This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:string.
  1662. </xsd:documentation>
  1663. </xsd:annotation>
  1664. <xsd:simpleContent>
  1665. <xsd:extension base="xsd:string">
  1666. <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
  1667. </xsd:extension>
  1668. </xsd:simpleContent>
  1669. </xsd:complexType>
  1670. </xsd:schema>