service-ref_5_0.dtd 5.1 KB

  1. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
  2. <!--
  3. $Id: jboss-client_5_0.dtd 58121 2006-11-04 19:57:58Z $
  4. <!DOCTYPE jboss-web PUBLIC
  5. "-//JBoss//DTD Web Service Reference 5.0//EN"
  6. "">
  7. -->
  8. <!--
  9. WebServiceRef customization
  10. -->
  11. <!--
  12. Runtime settings for a web service reference. In the simplest case,
  13. there is no runtime information required for a service ref. Runtime info
  14. is only needed in the following cases :
  15. * to define the port that should be used to resolve a container-managed port
  16. * to define default Stub property settings for Stub objects
  17. * to define the URL of a final WSDL document to be used
  18. Example:
  19. <service-ref>
  20. <service-ref-name>OrganizationService</service-ref-name>
  21. <wsdl-override>file:/wsdlRepository/organization-service.wsdl</wsdl-override>
  22. </service-ref>
  23. <service-ref>
  24. <service-ref-name>OrganizationService</service-ref-name>
  25. <config-name>Secure Client Config</config-name>
  26. <config-file>META-INF/jbossws-client-config.xml</config-file>
  27. <handler-chain>META-INF/jbossws-client-handlers.xml</handler-chain>
  28. </service-ref>
  29. <service-ref>
  30. <service-ref-name>SecureService</service-ref-name>
  31. <service-impl-class></service-impl-class>
  32. <service-qname>{}SecureEndpointService</service-qname>
  33. <port-component-ref>
  34. <service-endpoint-interface></service-endpoint-interface>
  35. <port-qname>{}SecureEndpointPort</port-qname>
  36. <stub-property>
  37. <name></name>
  38. <value>kermit</value>
  39. </stub-property>
  40. <stub-property>
  41. <name></name>
  42. <value>thefrog</value>
  43. </stub-property>
  44. </port-component-ref>
  45. </service-ref>
  46. -->
  47. <!ELEMENT service-ref (service-ref-name, service-impl-class?, service-qname?, config-name?, config-file?, handler-chain?, port-component-ref*, wsdl-override?)>
  48. <!--
  49. The service-ref-name element gives the ENC relative name.
  50. Overrides
  51. -->
  52. <!ELEMENT service-ref-name (#PCDATA)>
  53. <!--
  54. Name of the JAXWS service implementation class.
  55. Overrides @WebServiceRef.value
  56. -->
  57. <!ELEMENT service-impl-class (#PCDATA)>
  58. <!--
  59. The service-qname element declares the specific WSDL service element.
  60. Specify the qualified service name in the form defined by QName.valueOf()
  61. Example:
  62. <service-qname>{http://somensURI}SomeService</service-qname>
  63. -->
  64. <!ELEMENT service-qname (#PCDATA)>
  65. <!--
  66. The optional handler-chain element is a URL or resource name to a handler chain configuration.
  67. See: @HandlerChain.file
  68. -->
  69. <!ELEMENT handler-chain (#PCDATA)>
  70. <!--
  71. Information for a port within a service-ref.
  72. Either service-endpoint-interface or wsdl-port or both
  73. (service-endpoint-interface and wsdl-port) should be specified.
  74. If both are specified, wsdl-port represents the
  75. port the container should choose for container-managed port selection.
  76. The same wsdl-port value must not appear in
  77. more than one port-component-ref entry within the same service-ref.
  78. If a particular service-endpoint-interface is using container-managed port
  79. selection, it must not appear in more than one port-component-ref entry
  80. within the same service-ref.
  81. -->
  82. <!ELEMENT port-component-ref (service-endpoint-interface?, port-qname?, config-name?, config-file?, stub-property*)>
  83. <!--
  84. Fully qualified name of service endpoint interface
  85. -->
  86. <!ELEMENT service-endpoint-interface (#PCDATA)>
  87. <!--
  88. Port used in port-component-ref.
  89. Specify the qualified port name in the form defined by QName.valueOf()
  90. Example:
  91. <port-qname>{http://somensURI}SomeService</port-qname>
  92. -->
  93. <!ELEMENT port-qname (#PCDATA)>
  94. <!--
  95. The optional config-name element gives the client configuration name that must be present in
  96. the configuration given by element config-file. Ports that match this port info will be
  97. configured with this config name.
  98. The default is: Standard Client
  99. -->
  100. <!ELEMENT config-name (#PCDATA)>
  101. <!--
  102. The optional config-file element is a URL or resource name for the client configuration.
  103. Ports that match this port info will be configured with this config file.
  104. The default is: META-INF/standard-jbossws-client-config.xml
  105. -->
  106. <!ELEMENT config-file (#PCDATA)>
  107. <!--
  108. Property values that should be set on a stub before it's returned to
  109. to the web service client. The property names can be any properties supported
  110. by the StubExt or Stub implementation.
  111. See javadoc for, javax.xml.rpc.Stub
  112. -->
  113. <!ELEMENT stub-property (prop-name, prop-value)>
  114. <!--
  115. This text nodes holds a name string.
  116. -->
  117. <!ELEMENT prop-name (#PCDATA)>
  118. <!--
  119. This text nodes holds a value string.
  120. -->
  121. <!ELEMENT prop-value (#PCDATA)>
  122. <!--
  123. The wsdl-override element the actual wsdl docuement the web service client
  124. uses to connect to the remote service.
  125. Overrides @WebServiceRef.wsdlLocation
  126. -->
  127. <!ELEMENT wsdl-override (#PCDATA)>