jboss-app_5_0.dtd 6.5 KB

  1. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
  2. <!-- The JBoss 5.x specific elements for ears.
  3. $Id: jboss-app_5_0.dtd 81860 2008-11-30 22:12:20Z alex.loubyansky@jboss.com $
  4. DOCTYPE jboss-app
  5. PUBLIC "-//JBoss//DTD Java EE Application 5.0//EN"
  6. "http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/dtd/jboss-app_5_0.dtd"
  7. -->
  8. <!-- The jboss-app element is the root element.
  9. -->
  10. <!ELEMENT jboss-app (module-order?, security-domain?, unauthenticated-principal?,
  11. loader-repository?, jmx-name?, library-directory?, module*, security-role*)>
  12. <!--
  13. NOTE: legacy element from 4.x. Has absolutely no effect in JBoss_5.x.
  14. The value of the module-order could be implicit or strict
  15. <module-order>strict</module-order>
  16. or
  17. <module-order>implicit</module-order>
  18. The strict value indicates that the deployments of the modules will
  19. be done in the order that would be specified in the application.xml
  20. and jboss-app.xml file .
  21. The implicit value indicates the deployment would follow the order
  22. which would be specified in the DeploymentSorter.
  23. The default order will be implicit to support backward compatibility
  24. -->
  25. <!ELEMENT module-order (#PCDATA)>
  26. <!--
  27. The security-domain element specifies the JNDI name of the security
  28. manager that implements the EJBSecurityManager and RealmMapping for
  29. the domain. When specified at the jboss level it specifies the security
  30. domain for all j2ee components in the deployment unit.
  31. One can override the global security-domain at the container
  32. level using the security-domain element at the container-configuration
  33. level.
  34. Used in: jboss-app
  35. -->
  36. <!ELEMENT security-domain (#PCDATA)>
  37. <!--
  38. The unauthenticated-principal element specifies the name of the principal
  39. that will be returned by the EJBContext.getCallerPrincipal() method if there
  40. is no authenticated user. This Principal has no roles or privaledges to call
  41. any other beans.
  42. -->
  43. <!ELEMENT unauthenticated-principal (#PCDATA)>
  44. <!-- The loader-repository specifies the name of the UnifiedLoaderRepository
  45. MBean to use for the ear to provide ear level scoping of classes deployed
  46. in the ear. It is a unique JMX ObjectName string. It may also specify
  47. an arbitrary configuration by including a loader-repository-config element.
  48. Examples:
  49. <loader-repository>jboss.test:loader=cts-cmp2v1-sar.ear</loader-repository>
  50. <loader-repository loaderRepositoryClass='dot.com.LoaderRepository'>
  51. dot.com:loader=unique-archive-name
  52. <loader-repository-config configParserClass='dot.com.LoaderParser'>
  53. java2ParentDelegaton=true
  54. </loader-repository-config>
  55. </loader-repository>
  56. -->
  57. <!ELEMENT loader-repository (#PCDATA | loader-repository-config)*>
  58. <!-- The loaderRepositoryClass attribute gives the classname of the
  59. org.jboss.mx.loading.LoaderRepository implementation.
  60. -->
  61. <!ATTLIST loader-repository loaderRepositoryClass CDATA #IMPLIED>
  62. <!-- The loader-repository-config element specifies any arbitrary configuration
  63. fragment for use in configuring the loader-repository instance. The actual
  64. content of this element is specific to the loaderRepositoryClass and the
  65. code parsing the element.
  66. -->
  67. <!ELEMENT loader-repository-config (#PCDATA)>
  68. <!-- The configParserClass attribute gives the classname of the
  69. org.jboss.mx.loading.LoaderRepositoryFactory.LoaderRepositoryConfigParser
  70. implementation to use to parse the loader-repository-config content.
  71. -->
  72. <!ATTLIST loader-repository-config configParserClass CDATA #IMPLIED>
  73. <!-- The jmx-name element allows one to specify the JMX ObjectName to use
  74. for the MBean associated with the ejb-jar module. This must be a unique
  75. name and valid JMX ObjectName string.
  76. Used in: jboss-app
  77. -->
  78. <!ELEMENT jmx-name (#PCDATA)>
  79. <!-- An .ear file may contain a directory that contains libraries packaged in JAR files.
  80. The library-directory element of the .ear files deployment descriptor contains the name
  81. of this directory. If a library-directory element is not specified,
  82. the directory named lib is used.
  83. An empty library-directory element may be used to specify that there is no library directory.
  84. All files in this directory (but not subdirectories) with a .jar extension must be made available
  85. to all components packaged in the EAR file, including application clients.
  86. Used in: jboss-app
  87. -->
  88. <!ELEMENT library-directory (#PCDATA)>
  89. <!-- The module element is used to specify a jboss specific module archive.
  90. -->
  91. <!ELEMENT module (service | har | web)>
  92. <!-- The service element specifies a service archive (SAR) to deploy.
  93. Example:
  94. <module>
  95. <service>external.sar</service>
  96. </module>
  97. -->
  98. <!ELEMENT service (#PCDATA)>
  99. <!-- The har element specifies a Hibernate archive (HAR) to deploy.
  100. Example:
  101. <module>
  102. <har>myapp.har</har>
  103. </module>
  104. -->
  105. <!ELEMENT har (#PCDATA)>
  106. <!-- The web element specifies a war
  107. Example:
  108. <module>
  109. <web>
  110. <web-uri>myapp.war</web-uri>
  111. <context-root>/myapp</context-root>
  112. </web>
  113. </module>
  114. -->
  115. <!ELEMENT web (web-uri, context-root)>
  116. <!--
  117. The web-uri element specifies the URI of a web application file,
  118. relative to the top level of the application package.
  119. Used in: web
  120. -->
  121. <!ELEMENT web-uri (#PCDATA)>
  122. <!-- The context-root element specifies the context root of a web
  123. application. This is normally specified at the ear level using the standard
  124. J2EE application.xml descriptor, but it may be given here for standalone wars.
  125. This should not override the application.xml level specification.
  126. Used in: web
  127. -->
  128. <!ELEMENT context-root (#PCDATA)>
  129. <!--
  130. The security-role element contains the definition of a security role.
  131. The definition consists of an the security role name and principal name element(s).
  132. Used in: jboss-app
  133. Example:
  134. <security-role>
  135. <role-name>Manager</role-name>
  136. <principal-name>j2ee</principal-name>
  137. <principal-name>javajoe</principal-name>
  138. </security-role>
  139. -->
  140. <!ELEMENT security-role (role-name, principal-name+)>
  141. <!--
  142. The role-name element is the name of the role.
  143. Used in: security-role
  144. -->
  145. <!ELEMENT role-name (#PCDATA)>
  146. <!--
  147. The principal-name element is the name of the principal that is mapped
  148. to the assembly role-name.
  149. Used in: security-role
  150. -->
  151. <!ELEMENT principal-name (#PCDATA)>
  152. <!-- Allow the jboss-app to have a unique id -->
  153. <!ATTLIST jboss-app id ID #IMPLIED>
  154. <!-- Allow the module to have a unique id -->
  155. <!ATTLIST module id ID #IMPLIED>
  156. <!-- Allow the security-role to have a unique id -->
  157. <!ATTLIST security-role id ID #IMPLIED>