element which points to the location of the endpoint. JBoss supports rewriting of that SOAP address. If the content of is a valid URL, JBossWS will not rewrite it unless 'modify-soap-address' is true. If the content of is not a valid URL, JBossWS will rewrite it using the attribute values given below. If 'webServiceHost' is set to 'jbossws.undefined.host', JBossWS uses requesters host when rewriting the ]]> Set this property to explicitly define the HTTP port that will be used for rewriting the SOAP address. Otherwise the HTTP port will be identified by querying the list of installed HTTP connectors. Set this property to explicitly define the HTTPS port that will be used for rewriting the SOAP address. Otherwise the HTTPS port will be identified by querying the list of installed HTTPS connectors. Endpoint config can define unique properties that are visible only to endpoints using this config. It can also define PRE and POST handler chains associated with it. Endpoint config name. Must be unique inside subsysten element. Property that is private for endpoint config. Property name. Must be unique inside endpoint config. Property value. May be omited. Handlerchain can be defined such that the handlers in the handlerchain operate on all endpoints or only for specified protocol-bindings. Handler chain name. Must be unique for every endpoint config. If protocol-bindings attribute on the handler chain element is omited then the handlers specified in the handler chain will be applied on every endpoint. Declares the handler for an endpoint. Defines the name of the JAX-WS handler. The name must be unique within the handler chain. Defines a fully qualified class name for the JAX-WS handler implementation. Defines the type used for specifying a list of protocol-bindingType(s). For e.g. ##SOAP11_HTTP ##SOAP12_HTTP ##XML_HTTP Defines the type used for specifying the URI for the protocol binding used by the endpoint. For portability one could use one of the following tokens that alias the standard binding types: ##SOAP11_HTTP ##SOAP11_HTTP_MTOM ##SOAP12_HTTP ##SOAP12_HTTP_MTOM ##XML_HTTP Other specifications could define tokens that start with ## to alias new standard binding URIs that are introduced. Defines the type that is used for specifying tokens that start with ## which are used to alias existing standard protocol bindings and support aliases for new standard binding URIs that are introduced in future specifications. The following tokens alias the standard protocol binding URIs: ##SOAP11_HTTP = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/http" ##SOAP11_HTTP_MTOM = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/http?mtom=true" ##SOAP12_HTTP = "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap/bindings/HTTP/" ##SOAP12_HTTP_MTOM = "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap/bindings/HTTP/?mtom=true" ##XML_HTTP = "http://www.w3.org/2004/08/wsdl/http"